● Applicable OD Type – You can select the types of OD applicable to particular category of employee, this works similar to "Leave Types" in our system.
● Outdoor Max Limit In Month – we can set the maximum number of OD minutes that can be applied in a month
● Outdoor Max Instance in Month – we can set the max number of OD entries that can be applied in a month
● Geo-fence Radius — we can define the radius when the employee does check in/out at the customer site.
● Interval - Define the Interval between a check-in and checkout at Customer Site, to prevent any misuse.
Now we can apply various filters like Month / year, company, Department & Location for the various analytics on the dashboard.
Upload & Delete users to device by device group - Option to upload/ delete the users to device by using the Device group option.
Employee All details – We can export or Import Employee Complete details including Payroll details
Open to mark Absent is provided in Continuous Late/Early by settings (only daily basis).
● In case of early payment, you can utilize this option to adjust the future premiums and record the repayment entry.
In Advance entry -> Premium -> Prepay advance
● From the Document Template Menu, you can now generate and upload a document to 'Employee Document Manager'.
● In HRIS -> Document Template -> Employee document template -> select the Document from Document list which you want to generate and save
Additionally you can send HR Letter / Document through General Email under Employee Notification and it will get stored in Employee Document Under Employee Window.
ESS: Leave entries > Employee Document Manager
We can define an Advance Policy to set the loan limit and installments limit for all the individuals
We can assign the particular advance policy to an employee.
In Payroll -> Employees -> Payroll Details -> Advance policy.
Now you can filter reports based on Location and Designation in "Customize Payroll Report" option.
In TDS Breakup report now you can see the total of each salary head.