

Employee Monitoring

Work from Home has become normal and monitoring employees at varied locations is also difficult. There are lot of Advantages and also challenges associated with it.

Features like Screen shots at regular intervals and time spent on various sites, will help you in digital supervision and the reports will help you track effecieny, by providing you with actual productive and non -productive hours of your team.

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(NEW) AI based Attendance

Attendance proxy has been challenge long faced by almost all the companies. And AI based Face recognition, attendance marking is break through solution to solve this challenge.

Features like Live image recogntion, Face verification, Simultaneous capturing of Live location etc gives the company an added advanatage of real and verified punch marking. There by giving you real attendance marking.

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Human Resource Management

Manage and keep your resource happy with features like Performance, Onboarding, HR Letters, Notifications, Exit Management, Training, Help-Desk etc

Solution on a Single Platform enables seamless flow of data, without hassles of managing multiple vendors & data generating from Multiple software's. Individual features details available below

complete HRMS solution

Attendance Management

We have seamlessly integrated our software with some of the very wellknown brands and our push technology enables effortless flow of data on a real time basis. We provide flexibility in capturing attendance in all possible ways. We also provide huge list of options to automate your HR Rules. All this combined with SMS and email based attendance reporting to employees/managers. You can also integrate the attendance with any third party software.

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smartoffice payroll mobile app

Leave and Shift Management

Manage and automate your employee Attendance with options like Multi, Auto Shift, Shift Roasters and many such useful features. All of this with huge number of MIS reports to manage any number of employees. Flexibility to have User defined leave types, with various auto allotment & availing options and restrictions like - Clubbing rules, Min & Max per instance rules and Gap between two instances. Easy and Automated Year End carry forward options also available.

Employee Shift Management
Smartoffice Payroll

Device & Canteen Management

we're pioneering the way businesses interact with biometric systems, specifically through our advanced Fingerprint Device Management solutions. Our system is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure, providing an added layer of security without complicating your operations. With SmartOfficePayroll, you're not just adopting a technology; you're investing in a comprehensive security solution that includes

Fingerprint Device Management

ESS & Mobile App

A complete Self service Module for your employees and managers to check their details on a realtime basis and update all requests on the Go, resulting in near zero escalation of Attendance and Payroll issues. Manager panel not only helps to view device/mobile logs of Team Members but also approve all the requests like OD, Leave, Regularizaiton and many others.

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smartoffice payroll mobile app

GPS based clock In/Out

Manage your field/Marketing employees with GPS based tracking, where the employee can do a clock In/Out and the same details will be visible to his manager and the Admin. This can be both Approval based or automatic.

This is clubbed with certain business logics to avoid misuse of the features resulting in fake and proxy punches.

GPS based punching
Smartoffice Payroll

Geo Fencing

With Geo Fencing you can control or restrict the Mobile clock in/out only from defined locations/branches. This is useful where

Biometric connectivity is a challenge.

Results in assurance of Genuine punches & so no need of approvals

And it can be defined for any number of branches. As a result it is very cost effective solution


Payroll Management

(Desktop, web & cloud) - Advanced Payroll Software to take care of your complex salary calculations, automate statutory calculations (like PF, ESI, PT, LWF etc), end to end TDS Management, and MIS reports for ease of statutory filings & various activities like payslip & F-16 generation. You can also automate tasks like - Overtime, Advance, Arrears, Increment, Additional Earnings, Expense Claim, IT Declarations etc.

Payroll Management
smartoffice payroll mobile app

Expense Claim

Hassle free expense reimbursment is essential to let employee's concentrate on their core activities. With our mobile app employees can manage their travel advances, expenses and proof submissions. You can set limitations employee wise for various expenses, there by auto limiting the expenses done and submitted by the employees. Multilevel approval available to let only the right claims been approved.

All-in-one HR Solution
Smartoffice Payroll

Multi-Co Setup & Report writer

Sister or group companies are a natural outcome of growth. With centralized database and company based reports, managining multi-co and cost centers becomes easy. Company based payslips and Form-16 for statutory management are also available.

Our report writer lets you create customized reports as per your requirement to great extent

Centralized HR Solution

Help Desk

A happy employee delivers much better results, so timely resolution of any concerns of the employee is very important. Our help desk features enables this using department wise assignment, resolution time and auto esclation features.

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HR Letters & Data Management

Digitization is the buzz and our HR letter module enables this. Ready templates for easy generation of letters and storage of all the letters or employee documents enables easy retrival at the right time. Company forms & policies can be easily managed.

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Employee Event Notifications

A surprise wish from colleagues on Birthday, work anniversary, confirmation or such events can be really delightful & motivational. And timely details of such events for HR can really help in pre-planning.

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Digitized Onboarding

A Complete digitized Onboarding facility using Mobile App or just a link. Easily Collect all the employee life cycle documents & data - Education, Employment & Compensation history, personal & family details etc.

Digital Onboarding

Checklist (Virtual Guide)

Option to define workflow as a virtul guide, for process to be followed at various junctures during his journey with the company. Ths gives control to employees, saves time and ulitmately results in satisfactory and hassle free completion of tasks.

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Exit Management

Exit's are not easy. Each department has its own challenges. HR wants to know why, assets need to be recollected, accounts needs to make sure there are no dues etc. We enable this communication resulting in proper data collection and exits.

Exit Management

Performance & OKR

Being a continuous process, it is crucial to have a process where the performance is measured and recorded in all areas of work, from all the related parties with appropriate weightage, to have a fair and accurate appraisal. Resulting in informed decision by stake holders and create's an environment of fair practice and rewards.

Performance Management


Facilitate both online & classroom training

Employees can submit training requests

Manager can also assign on need basis

Conduct reviews of training & trainers

Track training allotted, attended & Pending

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Survey or Feedback

Reviews, suggestions or feedbacks are vital for any process to get streamlined and grow. And right questions with right options will be really helpful is getting the maximum and accurate feedback. Our module offers huge flexiblity in making this possible, their enabling in getting the fruitful feedback that can be put to use.

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Recruitment (upcoming)

A module to manage your recruitment process online. Short listed candidates database can be tracked separately. Feasibility will be provided to enable the pre and post interview process through the system for better transparency and analysis of complete data.

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Rewards & Recognition (Upcoming)

A satisfied and a motivated employee can bring you unexpected results, so Now reward your employee and make it public for recognition

Manager can recognize employee

Rewards can be linked with payroll

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Task Management (Upcoming)

Manager is as good as his team, so it his responsibility to also track the tasks or work assigned to his team members, so that the same is completed on time. If not the opportunities might be lost or result in other challenges.

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Payroll Trends in mumbai

Manager is as good as his team, so it his responsibility to also track the tasks or work assigned to his team members, so that the same is completed on time. If not the opportunities might be lost or result in other challenges.

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How We Do This


Understand the current process and the challenges of the client, because that is the most important. As there is a great saying “Problem well understood is half solved”. So we ask all the relevant questions to understand the client requirements and the challenges faced by him.


We offer various solutions using the existing software and offer customized services as and when applicable. And if existing, we even show a demo of the feasiblity using real data of the customer, thereby reducing the gap between promise and actual delivery, making the decision making process that much easier for the client.


Since the Challenges are majorly understood upfront and solutions also discussed, implementation process is normally smooth and easy. It is combined by sufficient training to the customer to make the use of software comfortable and easy.

Smartoffice payroll how we do process Smartoffice payroll how we do process